Noxious Weeds

photo of saltcedar


Noxious weeds are non-native plants that have been introduced to Carbon County through human actions both purposely and by accident. Due to their aggressive growth and lack of natural enemies, these species can be highly destructive, competitive, or difficult to control. It is important to remember that noxious weeds are everyone’s problem. They not only reduce crop yields, destroy native plant communities, and degrade wildlife habitat, they can also damage recreational sites, clog waterways, lower land values, and poison livestock. The Carbon County Weed District can assist you with identifying noxious weeds and give you advice on their control.


Resources on how to identify and deal with noxious weeds:

Each noxious weed responds differently to a treatment. Below is a reference chart prepared by the Natural Resources Conservation Service:

Red Lodge has particular issues with a few of the weeds in the flipbook. Below are reported weeds with more detailed information on each of these species:
