Outdoor Displays & Street Furniture

Photo of Downtown Red Lodge

Outdoor displays and street furniture consist of items such as benches, trash receptacles, clothing racks, small tables and sandwich boards (small signs on the sidewalk). The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and the City have entered an agreement which allows the City and our businesses to use MDT rights-of-way for street furniture, provided that the City manages the placement of these items so that ADA access is not compromised. 

We feel that street furniture adds to the allure of downtown Red Lodge and we must ensure that we are meeting all ADA requirements to help protect our ability to continue to use MDT right-of-way, and ensure safe and accessible passage of our sidewalks.  The following guidance should be used when placing sidewalk items:

  • Sandwich Boards, clothing racks and all business merchandise should be placed against your building and should be no wider than 24 inches
  • Outdoor tables should be no wider than 30 inches and can only have two seats which must be placed closed to the building and faced parallel to Broadway Avenue.
  • Outdoor tables with seats should have objects placed on the outside of the seats (to the north and south) to prevent the possibility of visually impaired persons from walking into seated customers. 
  • Trees and shrubs cannot impede sidewalks and trees must have a minimum of seven feet of clearance above the sidewalk  

Please ensure that your street furniture meets the above guidelines so that all businesses can continue to place these items on sidewalks.