Winter 2023 Newsletter from the Mayor

Dear Community,


The warmth of the holidays coupled with seasonal snows (more, please!) are always delightful for Red Lodge.  We’ve welcomed many visitors with the Chamber’s Christmas Stroll, the excitement for the new ‘Stache lift and opening of the ski season, restaurants filled with tasty bites, an abundance of music and art, and inviting stores filled with gifts for the holidays.  It’s a fitting and lovely end to a busy year here at City Hall!


Work completed by Council for the year focused on short-term rental issues and defining the boundary of the airport.  Short-term rentals are frequently a contentious community conversation and it was time it be addressed, as it has been in many communities across the nation. The citizen study group and City Planning Board recommended a 15% cap, up from our current estimate of 10%, on allowable units, and Council found it proper to allow 20%, to be reviewed annually.   Staff has been diligently ensuring all short-term rentals are registered so it can be reviewed with updated and accurate information as necessary.  With regards to the airport, the Airport Board needed a boundary to create their master plan and apply for federal funding.  Council adopted the Airport Board’s proposed boundary encompassing the existing hangar area, runway, emergency services area, and most if not all remaining buildable land, with uses to be determined later by the as of yet unfinished Airport Master Plan. Further community input and professional expertise, should that be pursued, will hopefully provide data to address costs, revenue, safety, liability, infrastructure, integration with trails, community entrance guidelines, and a plethora of future needs relating to the City, as it’s all City-owned land with substantial impacts on the community as a whole.  Council did finally pass a resolution to operate the recycling facility, which ultimately should lower our costs to haul waste to the landfill, however, work remains to be done to further explore our options.  Whatever your feelings are on various issues, there is always room for improvement, one way or another.  If you want your voice heard, you are always welcome to attend City Council meetings and share your comments!


In the two years of my term, in addition to the short term rentals and airport projects, we approved the Urban Renewal District, finished the pool, addressed flood issues, started the sewer stormwater project, streamlined the events ordinances, updated the zoning ordinances to include zoning for two new dispensary businesses, alternative dwelling units, and various density adjustments to encourage more housing, implemented software to increase short term rental compliance, approved the new Whistler Observatory at Van Dyke Park, started an update to the 1986 Downtown Revitalization Plan and approved a record-breaking number of events!  We’ve resumed operating the recycling program and welcomed back our Beartooth Industries employees and the recycling staff.  Housing remains a challenge but the City’s zoning updates combined with the Urban Renewal District are providing more opportunities for everything from tiny homes to housing developments, providing for some relief in our ever-changing economy and growing area.


I’d like to thank a lot of people, especially our City staff, who keep everything going from one administration to the next, through storms, floods, broken things, new things, and all the rest of the things.  They are a neat bunch, and I’ve been lucky to work with such a group.  I’ve worked with countless people at all levels of things to do with the City- both in the government and private sector businesses- , and I’m grateful for each of them and all their phonecalls, emails, thoughts, suggestions, and contributions to work we’ve done here in the City.  I’d like to thank each and every one of you who came to the Council meetings, wrote us letters, asked us questions, and served on boards or committees.  And finally, I’d like to thank the Council for their time.  Your service is appreciated, and your thoughtful comments reflect the work you have done.   


For 2024, I extend a hearty welcome to our new Mayor, Dave Westwood.  I’m sure he’ll continue to welcome your questions and hear your concerns, and, as I resume life outside City Hall,  I look forward to hearing his ideas and having some fresh energy to work with council and staff.  For me, it’s been my pleasure to serve Red Lodge as Mayor, and I thank you for the opportunity.  


Happy holidays, and cheers to all!


Best regards,


Kristen Cogswell
