
Format: 2024
Resolutions Table
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
R3310 Budgetary Authority (Bear Resistant Trash cans) Tue 6/8/10 Link
R3309 Fines for Violation of Provisions in Ordinance 884, Prohibiting Use of Tobacco in City Parks and Recreation Facilities Tue 5/25/10 Link
R3308 Fees for Registration of Animals and Penalty Fines for Violation Tue 5/25/10 Link
R3307 Assign Names Airport Road South and Airport Road North Tue 6/8/10 Link
R3306 Budgetary Authority (Safe Routes to School) Tue 5/11/10 Link
R3305 Minimum Value at Which Purchased Items Become Fixed Assets for Depreciation and Replacement Purposes Tue 4/27/10 Link
R3304 Assign Hauser Avenue as the Name to the Public Right-of-Way Dedications of the St. Vincent Mountain View Clinic Development Tue 4/13/10 Link
R3303 Budgetary Authority (Preparation of Zoning Code) Tue 4/13/10 Link
R3302 Budgetary Authority (Solar Panel/Drive Motors for Waste Water Treatment Plan) Tue 3/9/10 Link
R3301 Budgetary Authority (Police Department) Tue 2/23/10 Link
R3300 Appendix of the 2009 Subdivision Regulations  Tue 2/9/10 Link
R3298 Environmental Certifying Official  Tue 1/26/10 Link
R3297 Fees for Services Related to the Review and Processing of Subdivision, Growth Policy Amendment and Annexation Applications Tue 2/9/10 Link
R3296 Compliance with the National Incident Management System Established by Homeland Security Tue 12/22/09 Link
R3295 Budget Authority for Red Lodge Library  Tue 11/24/09 Link
R3294 2009 Red Lodge Subdivision Regulations  Tue 11/24/09 Link
R3293 Solar Panel Variable Frequency Drive ARRA Project Tue 10/6/09 Link
R3291 Vacate and Abandon a Portion of Alleys Tue 9/22/09 Link
R3290 Urban Forest Management Plan  Tue 9/22/09 Link
R3289 Final Budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Tue 10/6/09 Link
R3288 Business Registration Fees Tue 10/27/09 Link
R3287 Ballot Issues for Amendment of the Resort Tax for Use for Emergency Services and to Replace the Merchant Collection Administrative Fee with a Marketing and Promotion Fund Link
R3286 Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Budget Transfers  Tue 7/28/09 Link
R3285 Creation of an Emergency Medical Service District with Carbon County Tue 6/9/09 Link
R3284 Community Development Block Grant Public Facilities Project Tue 4/28/09 Link
