
Format: 2024
Resolutions Table
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments
R3654 Stormwater Bond Tue 5/28/24 Link
R3653 To Increase the Storm Water Charge by Establishing a Capital Improvements Charge for the Storm Water System Tue 5/28/24 Link
R3652 Intent To Increase the Storm Water Charge by Establishing a Capital Improvements Charge for the Storm Water System Tue 4/23/24 Link
R3651 A Resoultion to Authorize Submission of MCEP Application Tue 5/14/24 Link
R3650 A Resoultion to adopt a detailed preliminary engineering report prepared by Great West Engineering, Inc. Tue 5/14/24 Link
R3649 A resolution to vacate the portion of Daly Avenue Right of Way that is located East of Lot 5 of Block 45, Red Lodge Original Townsite, Section 27, Township 7 South, Range 20 East, P.M.M., Carbon County MT Tue 5/14/24 Link
R3648 A Resoultion authorizing the City to enter into an agreement with the All Nations Garden Club of Red Lodge for the care and maintenance of Pride Park, a city owned property. Tue 4/23/24 Link
R3647 To award Phase 2 & 3 of the Stormwater System Improvements Project Tue 4/9/24 Link
R3646 Red Lodge City Council to Set Fees for the Red Lodge City Pool Beginning in 2024 Tue 3/26/24 Link
R3645 Intent to Obtain Preliminary approval to Proceed with Land Exchange from Yellowstone Sanctuary to near the Current Recycling Center Tue 3/26/24 Link
R3643 Resoultion 3643-Failed
R3642 To approve and ratify the the previously submitted Arbor Day grant application and authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with the Arbor Day Foundation regarding the Arbor Day grant for the tree planting project Tue 3/12/24 Link
R3641 A resoultion to exclude certain real property from the City of Red Lodge Tue 2/27/24 Link
R3640 Authorization to Submit CDBG Planning Grant Application Tue 2/27/24 Link
R3639 Calling for an election on the question of conducting a local government review and establishing a study commission to do so Tue 2/13/24 Link
R3638 Intent to exclude certain real property from the City of Red Lodge and amend the City of Red Lodge zoning map. Tue 1/23/24 Link
R3637 Approve the Attached Joint Airport Board Agreement Tue 11/14/23 Link
R3636 Adoption of the Red Lodge Energy Conservation Plan Tue 11/14/23 Link
R3635 Budget amendment resoultion amending appropriations and reserves for various funds for fiscal year 2023 Tue 9/26/23 Link
R3634 A Resoultion of the City Council of Red Lodge, Montana to declare certain municipal property as surplus property. Tue 9/12/23 Link
R3633 Final Budget approval for the Fiscal year of 2023-2024 Tue 8/22/23 Link
R3632-4A To Conditionally Delay the Disposition of All Airport Assets Tue 5/28/24 Link
R3631 A Resoultion of the City Council to Authorize a Special Prosecutor to be appointed as Special Deputy City Attorney for conflict cases. Tue 6/27/23 Link
R3630 Authorization to submit MCEP Infrastructure Planning Grant Application for the Capitol Improvement Plan. (CIP) Fri 6/23/23 Link
R3629 Authorization to submit MCEP Infrastructure Planning Grant Application for the stormwater per update. Fri 6/23/23 Link
