Montana's Local Government Voter Review

During the June 4th primary election, voters in the City of Red Lodge will be asked whether or not they wish to have their form of local government reviewed. This is constitutionally required every 10 years and provides an opportunity for citizens to review their city’s power and form of government and to make recommendations for improvements in their structure of government.

If a majority of the electors vote in favor of having a study commission to examine the form of local government, the study commission members will be elected at the November 5th, 2024 general election. Interested individuals can file after the primary election as a candidate for the study commission with the County Election Administrator. There is no filing fee, and the race is nonpartisan. Candidates must be electors of the local government for which the study commission has been established and cannot be elected officials of the local government. Filing for the positions of study commission members will open after the primary election results are certified and close at 5:00 p.m. on August 12, 2024.

The purpose of the study commission is to study the existing form and powers of the local government and compare them with other forms available under the laws of the state. The study commission members must write a report detailing their recommendations for changes to the local government. The final report of the study commission is presented to the voters of the local government for approval or rejection. The report must be presented to the registered electors for a vote no later than the 2026 general election (November 3, 2026).


For more information on the voter review process, please visit the MSU Local Government Center.